On a national level
In 2021, the national average of Gender Équalitu index is 85/100 points for companies with more 50 employees.
A score of 94/100 points for the CLS |
The Index on Professional Équality between Women and Men is a snapshot of the comparative situation between women and men. A legal obligation whose goal is to put and end to inequalities at work. The publication of the results – the objective of which is to hightlight the points of progress on which to act when these disparities are unjustified – is annual. This index evaluates on 100 points based on 4 indicators for companies with less than 250 employees.Penalties appy when the score of 75 points is not reached after 3 years from the first publication.
Here are the details of the 2020 results of the Coopérative Laitière de la Sèvre (CLS) :
- Pay gap : 36 out of 40 points
- Difference in the distribution of individual increases : 35 out of 35 points
- Percentage of employees increased upon return from maternity leave : 15 out of 15 points
- Parity among the 10 hightest paid : 5 out of 10 points
Out of 100 points, the CLS obtains an excellent score of 94.
These results indicate avenues for progress, and the overall score, while high, cannot be satisfied. We are mobilized for diversity, equality and parity. An action plan has been put in place focuses on 3 areas of action : effective compensation, recruitment and professional training . The CLS thus affirms it’s desire to maintain the principle of equality and prevent the risk of unjustified deviations. It intends to promote diversity within the different categories by acting from the moment of recruitment (neutral and egalitarian process, balance of applications…).
It sets the objective of aligning the rates of access to vocational training for all employees and female staff, within each professional category. The action plan is filed with DIRECCTE, and a summary is posted in the workplace.