For this recipe you will need:
  • 500g strawberries
  • 50g mascarpone
  • 3 tablespoons icing sugar
  • 50g meringue
  • 20cl of Échiré liquid cream
  • 4 glasses minimum

Preparation :

  1. Wash your strawberries, dry them and hull them.
  2. Set aside a dozen strawberries. Cut them into small pieces, reserve them.
  3. Cut the rest of the strawberries in half for the coulis.
  4. In a blender, pour the strawberries cut in half with 2 tablespoons of icing sugar. Mix and reserve.
  5. In a salad bowl, pour the mascarpone, incorporate the Échiré cream and the rest of the icing sugar.
  6. Using a whisk, whip the mixture. (If you have a robot, whip at high speed)
  7. You should get a cream that has the consistency of a compact foam.
  8. Add 3/4 of the coulis to the cream. Mix the cream and the coulis but just a little to have a marbled effect.
  9. Coarsely crush the meringues between your hands over a plate.
  10. Garnish your verrines as follows:

Spread half of the meringue in the bottom of each verrine.
Add a tablespoon of strawberries.
Add a teaspoon of coulis.
Add 2 tablespoons of cream.
Add a teaspoon of coulis.
Add a tablespoon of strawberries and 1 teaspoon of coulis.
Add 2 tablespoons of cream.
Add 1 teaspoon of coulis, 1 tablespoon of strawberries and add a little meringue on top.

Do the same for the rest of the glasses.
Book cool 30 minutes

A recommended dessert to accompany Beaujolais Nouveau!

A delight!