For the Xmas, the Atelier de l’Excellence in Échiré offers you a tasting box consisting of:
- Chevrot cendré 200 g (made with raw goat milk)
- Mothais sur feuille 150g (made with raw goat milk)
- Crottin 60g (pasteurized goat’s milk)
- Petite Bûche Caprifeuille 150g (made with raw goat milk)
- Recharge 30g doux (Échiré AOP butter)
- Recharge 30g demi sel (Échiré AOP butter)
The box is already available in store! !
We remind you of the opening hours :
Atelier de l’Excellence
66 place de l’Église, 79 410 Échiré
Tuesday-Wednesdy-Friday : 9h-12h30 / 14h-18h
Thursday : 9h-12h30 / 14h-18h
Saturday : 9h-12h30
For lovers of our butter of excellence, we inform you that the store will be open exceptionally on December 24 and 31 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Please reserve your trays on 05 49 32 89 09.
Happy Xmas!